Good peasant | Teen Ink

Good peasant

September 18, 2023
By Live-on10 BRONZE, Mason City, Iowa
Live-on10 BRONZE, Mason City, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"if they hatin', they aint happy! and if they are really happy, they ain't hatin'!

Good Peasant 
The earth is a kingdom.

Full of people like you and me.

There are kings and queens and of course, peasants.

It's not the peasant's fault they can't bathe and eat turkey.

But alas, the knights don't care.

Knights act tough and mean.

In reality, they are full of insecurities.

That's the reason they bully the peasants.

To make the peasants seem as different as possible.

Sometimes the peasants, they get stressed.

They smell and are hungry.

And they do something bad,

Like steal an apple,

Or rob a knight.

And then the king will sentence them to death.

The bad peasants die.

Not the good ones.



The king sentenced 5 bad peasants to the gallows.

Yet 6 die that week.

5 bad peasants die.

And 1 good one.


But why?

Why oh why would an innocent good peasant die?

The king just rolls his eyes and continues life.

The next week 1 bad peasant dies.

The following week 0 peasants die.

The king gets suspicious so he checks up on the village of broken homes and brown lawns.

He knocks on the nearest small house.

A peasant with a red face opens the door.

It seems to be crying.

But why?

Why is it crying?

It was just 1 innocent peasant that died.

Not a big deal.

“Why art thou crying?” the king asks.

“John-Mikal has perished” it says, tearing up more.

Oh psh, it was just 1, they are making it a big deal.

“Tis not a big deal,” said the king.

“Tis too! Thou was the kindest in the village. And t'was so brave, when the knights would knock him down, he simply put a smile on his face and went on. Nothing stop him from laughing and being silly, he t’was the light in this dark kingdom”

The king couldn't help but cry.

He didn't know such people had thoughts and family and love.

“I thought only the bad peasants died,” the king said.

“Aye, we did too”.

The king realized that the world wasn’t fair.

Even the nicest, loveliest people died.

The king immediately made the Knights build a statue of John-Mikal in the middle of town square.

The king sent a letter to every knight about what the peasant had said and the knights stopped knocking the peasants down, and started building them up.

“I know that all John-Mikal wanted was for people to stop bullying”.


Written by: Piper Phillips

Nov 17th 

Written in memory of John-Mikal, a loving and kind 7th grader who died in a house fire

The author's comments:

In loving memory of Jhon-Mikal. We miss you everyday.

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