This. | Teen Ink


September 17, 2023
By TheBlake_Merrill BRONZE, West Brookfield, Massachusetts
TheBlake_Merrill BRONZE, West Brookfield, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stepping lightly along the pavement- it is raining and as we land in puddles, our pants soak up the water that has seen a million places and will see a million more. The clouds weep with joy at the glory of life and death and the circle of love within it.

You turn to me, hair a wet mop on your head and as I see your smile appear all of the rain around us stops. Droplets hanging still in the air when our eyes meet and although the rain is cold we both are warm, filled with affection and yet more joy at the glory of life and death and the circle of love within it. 

This short moment wherein we share a glance and the puddles we stand in become lakes of cool rushing water and I can hear it all in my head. I hear the waves of gentleness that crash onto the shores of my soul and the bubbles from the little fish that are swimming around my brain. Their scales read thoughts of you and while their eyes are not human they still shine with the same wonder and amazement yours do.

Dark green leaves sway gently in treetops leaving droplets of violet happiness on our skin and with hands interlocked we look up to the dark gray clouds and close our eyes and just breathe. You smile again and slowly the pouring rain subsides, the clouds float languidly away, and the sun pours throughout the sky to kiss our faces with golden warmth.

This. This is peace. This is what I have been searching for and I find it in moments like this with people like you and I know this event didn't actually happen in real life but it is still peace. I love within my writing and this is peace.

The author's comments:

It's just about feeling okay again :)

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