My secret talents | Teen Ink

My secret talents

July 22, 2023
By ElaM ELITE, Surrey, Columbia
ElaM ELITE, Surrey, Columbia
320 articles 27 photos 120 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party; and I attended with my real face.” ~Franz Kafka

When the world is filled with millions of options,

So much to learn so much to be.

Why has everyone found themselves?

Everyone but me?


I can barely kick a soccer ball,

I’m neither the type of girl to be shopping at the mall.

I’ve never appreciated my talent to sing,

Now to find my hobby I’d almost give up everything.


I wish for the roles to be reversed,

To just have one thing in this world.

Where my passions lie.


Sometimes it seems so out of reach,

That it’s so hard to even tell myself to try.

I know somewhere in the world,

My talent surely does exist.


And I’m only seeming to get farther away,

With each new cross on my list.

I’m not a genius in pottery clay,

Or a natural born dancing mist.


But alas - why search no more?

Has it been so hard to realize,

My talent is truly beneath my inner core?


When I look at the sunny skies,

I seem to finally understand.

Where my talent truly lies.


It was poetry all along giving its silent clues.

I suppose everyone makes mistakes when finding themselves,

For how else do you think the world is always under the blues?

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