6TEEN | Teen Ink


July 19, 2023
By amaljammooussii BRONZE, Sakiet Ezzit, Other
amaljammooussii BRONZE, Sakiet Ezzit, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My heart started skipping beats in a strange way

my thoughts were attacking me day after day

I stuttered when I had a lot to say

I know, at that age, I could tell the right from the wrong

but not being able to talk wasn't that strong

Because I had my voice shaking

everitime I had something important to tell

I couldn't stop thinking whether I knew myself too well

I doubted myself

Doubted the way I talk

What if the words I'm saying are pronounced wrong ?

And it felt like hell...

I was lost, tried to heal

but things only got worse, and I fell

I fell in a loop I made myself called a "comfort zone"

Where the limits I made were strong as stone

By time,

they grew

and started suffocating me

I couldn't breathe,

and my hope fade away

so I gave up

and for the first time,

I had nothing to say...

But something inside of me couldn't resist

If I'm not  willing to fight,

then why do I exist  ?

And in all of a sudden...

I remembered.

I remembered the days, the nights and the years I've spent chasing my dreams

Suddenly, from the dark, a light appeared

and an  anonymous voice was talking to me

and somehow, it didn't feel weird

You're the one

You're the one with a paper and a pen could make you destiny

You're the one who could define

 whether the beggining of you journey is a start

or a reason for your dreams to end...

I started destroying the walls I made 

fighting so hard so that my dearest dreams wouldn't fade

I admit, I was exhausted 

But it was a sweet pain

And deep inside, I realised I was never right

When I stopped speaking just because I stutter

I could've been the reason for my life to shatter

But I also realised that it was never late

With the power I got, I destroyed what I used to call refuge

I'll hold my dreams tight, I'll make them come true

I'll make the HUGE

Because I know that accepting is the cure

my love to myself has never been that pure

I know that underestimating my capacities

is just depriving me from life opportunities

Dreams may be the spark that woke me up

But opportunities will make them real I hope

I have an inspiration,

not the kind that comes to you when you're spitting sunflower seeds

An inspiration that has turned my dreams into real needs

I'm not waiting for opportunities, because they're not scattered outside on the street

Time is passing by, sometimes it flies 

before I even realise.

That's why I have to stand on my feet

And put every thought

into action...

The author's comments:

After almost two years of it being written, I  finally decided to share this piece of me.

6teen is a result of sixteen  years I've spent in constant pain and fear.

I always felt like I was betrayed by  my  own self.

All I  ever wanted was to speak normally

and all I ever wished was to get rid of stuttering.

Only to realise that what I have to change isn't the way I talk, but the way I think...

And that's finally when I felt free, to express, to live and to dream!

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