Peak of Summer | Teen Ink

Peak of Summer

July 17, 2023
By Steffi07 BRONZE, Mercer Island, Washington
Steffi07 BRONZE, Mercer Island, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jumping on the trampoline,

the sky seemed so close.

The evergreens swayed, fingertips brushing my hair

the sun scorched grass was never greener 

and our laughter floated like bubbles,

iridescent on the summer’s breath

The trampoline was woven

from the flexible fibers of my soul

And I could jump higher, higher than the backyard fence

where heroes battled monsters, where pool noodles clashed 

Other universes bled through cracks in the sky

gracious clouds shielded our upturned faces

Nothing was certain 

(but there was no room for uncertainty)

Time paused her sprint and strolled, gravity lost its grip and we 

glided down like kites, fell like snowflakes from our heights

Life was not a play but an improv, a comedy so funny 

we laughed the memories right out of our heads

Tomorrow was a question, today was everything

and yesterday had already been forgotten

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