“I Love You” | Teen Ink

“I Love You”

May 31, 2023
By Liambleuschrom BRONZE, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Liambleuschrom BRONZE, Saint Paul, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I love you

It is so hard to say.

When my lips

Shape the letters

So that the sound 

In my throat

And the air

In my lungs,

May speak those words

That are so hard to say.

I love you.

Is it so hard to say?

The way your eyes shine 

And your hair flows

Your smile, only kind. 

I just want you to know

How much you mean

To me.

Even if I don’t speak it.

The author's comments:

I am a sensitive and very considerate human being. I simply hate going over people’s boundaries. And I’m also not very confrontational, I’m scared of rejection. I hope these feelings came across in this poem. :) Thank you for reading!

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