The Rarest Kind of People | Teen Ink

The Rarest Kind of People

May 27, 2023
By ishani_s BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
ishani_s BRONZE, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hate INFJs.

You know the ones.


The ones that crave the feeling of a heartfelt conversation,

But always seem to envelop themselves in their own carved out heart instead.


The ones that understand others better than they understand themselves,

But somehow still struggle to indulge themselves in a conversation.


The ones that come up with the most brilliant insights,

But why does that only make them seem superficial?


The ones that spend their time surfing their inner thoughts alone,

But feel left out when their friends do absolutely anything without them.


The ones that can truly enjoy talking and engaging in social environments,

But only when their social battery isn’t rotting with flies by their feet.


And the ones like me,

The ones that write about it.

But are too afraid to show it to anyone.


I don’t hate INFJs.

It was just a good attention-getter.

The author's comments:

When I wrote this piece, I had no idea or plan on how I wanted it to be. Instead, I just wrote down everything I’ve been thinking about myself recently. The first line of my poem is the label attached to people like me in order to resonate with a community who have similar experiences. The last two lines are the climax of my poem. They reveal how that same community just need to express their feelings in a way where people would definitively listen, and labelling themselves is the only way.

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