“Mixtape” | Teen Ink


May 23, 2023
By ElaM ELITE, Surrey, Columbia
ElaM ELITE, Surrey, Columbia
320 articles 27 photos 120 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party; and I attended with my real face.” ~Franz Kafka

Olives in a Mediterranean mix

Mediterranean olives,

Frolicking on my oily plate,

Garlic fiesta


Swaying trees

The trees sway,

In the golden light,

Of the yellow sun.


The starry sky

The stars cover the sky,

Like a thick blanket,

Beseeched upon the earth.


Paris metro

Apparition of these faces,

Leather shoes, heels and clacks.

Young blood in Paris metro.


Yesterday and today

Yesterday it seemed

That all our heroes were clever,

And changed us globally as one world.


But today,

I am wise so I decided to change

Myself instead of the world.


Bright twilight hibiscus

In the twilight rain,

These brightly hued hibiscus,

Kissed my soft cheeks.



Awakening to birdsong,

Morning glory with a rising day,

Full of hope.


The sun

The sun is rising,

Always seek out the beauty,

Within the mallows of the grass.


The quivering leaves

Dry leaves quiver,

A sudden gust; branches snap,

One blue bird.


My loving friend

Bright eyes,

Wagging tails,

A man’s best friend.


Monsoon season

Long rain,

Nearing monsoon season.

Water fills our clay pots.


Banana leaf

The banana leaf,

Sliced onions and garlics,

Make a fine curry.


Summer’s path

When melodious spring arrives,

Let your past melt in the snow,

Start on a new path to summer.


Wind rage

Over the meadows,

Forest winds howl in rage,

Black bears awake from their slumber.


Full bloom

Summer is in full bloom,

Yellow roses extending,

Flowers’ sweet delight.


Guavas and cherry trees

Watch the cherry trees,

Spring enters with full ebullience,

Wafting scents of guavas.


Autumn equinox

Autumn equinox,

Rain clouds reflect the sunset,

Merely a dream.



Was it all a dream?

I hope not for I once saw the happiness

In Autumn’s eyes again.


Dandelion daydreams

Dandelion daydreams,

In dapples of sunshine with butterflies’ wings,

Like calligraphy strokes.


Masquerade in an Indian summer

Rippling waters,

Behind Venetian blinds,

Masquerade in an Indian summer.


Summer parasol

Stars slowly light up

The illustrious sky,

Like my summer parasol.


Scorching pavement

Walking in the rain endlessly,

The pavement scorches like a frog’s tongue,

Of old memories.


Rain in the dawn

Rain in the dawn,

Smell of morning dew,

Awaken the birds my dear.


Christmas carol by Charles dickens haiku

Enraged fire,

Candlelight blows out,

Whisper of Jacob Marley.


Girl from nowhere

Enriched faces in the rain,

Amongst the crowd of black umbrellas,

Girl from nowhere.


Love never dies, my dear

Deep rolling waves,

Attracted by pale moonlight,

Love never dies doesn’t it?


Broken clocks

Time is running out,

Stopwatches count our last minute,

Broken clocks and glass.


Yellow Ophelia bees

Yellow Ophelia bees crawl in magenta lilies,

Babies peeped out of the nest,

One fine crisp morning.


Black and white

Look beyond the light,

Through the cold shadows of death,

You’ll find black and white.


The innocent buttercup

Amongst the greenery,

A bright yellow buttercup,

Offers innocent nose kisses.


Toddler’s delight

Puddles splash,

Toddlers’ delight,

Of the splashing and sploshing.


Snowflakes’ life

Snowflakes descend upon

Our earth waiting for time to pass

Finally the end of the year.


The baby cow

The baby cow,

Near the green meadows and moon,

Stops and breathes in roses.


Spring ocean

Spring ocean,

Swaying gently across the trees,

Icy blue like my reflection.


Fresh cooking spirit

Long summer rains,

Amidst Japanese rice and all,

Stuck in the pantry was fresh cooking spirit.


Coiled snakes

With a soft crunch,

The rabbit devours,

Coiled snakes.


White cranes

The stillness,

Whites cranes fly,

Over the wispy mountains.


Ice skates

Frozen lakes,

Glissading and sliding,

Pair of ice skates.


Warrior’s dreams

Summers roses,

Nothing remains,

Of the warriors dreams.


Spotted deer

The white dew,

Softness of the spotted deer,

Hiding amongst the tall grass.

The author's comments:

Although this is a published piece on Teen Ink, I’m planning on actually published this as a book with several of my other haikus too.

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