Everything is Changing | Teen Ink

Everything is Changing

May 21, 2023
By Avathebookworm BRONZE, Mechanicsville, Virginia
Avathebookworm BRONZE, Mechanicsville, Virginia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We saw each other yesterday

And said our good-byes for the better

I am no longer excited when I see you 

And you no longer smile when you see me 

I remember when we would laugh at our jokes 

And whisper each other secrets during lunch

During the summer we would swim in the pool 

And drink lemonade on the front porch 

At night we would catch lighting bugs

And keep them in a jar until morning 

Now Spring is here and the days are longer 

Summer is coming closer than ever

But we both know we won’t be together 

I suppose our friendship wasn’t meant to last 

Everything is changing 

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