Keep Pushing | Teen Ink

Keep Pushing

May 18, 2023
By SofiaKoppa BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
SofiaKoppa BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Keep Pushing 

My parents always told me life aint easy,

Life is like a roller coaster, up and down and around, 

over and over and over again

A roller coaster on the way up is filled with excitement and joy with high adrenaline, but on the way down the adrenaline subsides and you’re in deep misery wanting that high to come back. 

But when you’re in the downhill spiral it feels like you will never get out, like everything will be bad for the rest of your life. 

But one day you go on a steep sharp turn which leads up to an amazing joyride again. 

You keep riding, vibing, and trying to stay away from crying but then boom, 

Around and around you go, like a yoyo spinning out of control, you are confused and don’t know how to stop drop and roll.

That is just chill out and know that everything is gonna be on a smooth road.

That’s with everything in life though, it’s also like a piece of dough

You get stretched, squished, smacked, and spun but at the end of the day, you will always return back to your same shape. 

The thinnest and the thickest dough will always keep its shape. 

I guess what im trying to say here, is that no matter what road you’re on there is always going to be good days and bad.

Like waking up on the wrong side of the bed or if you drank your haterade, 

But keep pushing because there is always a rainbow on the other side

Just like the weather, it rains, it pours, then after the dreary damp rain comes a rising rainbow. 

Every day, every week, and every year there will always be something that kicks you in your rear

Like a horse when its mad at its owner

Or like when you are sick on your birthday,

Pretty much has the same feeling, but two different types of healing

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