A Broken Glass | Teen Ink

A Broken Glass

May 10, 2023
By Hiya SILVER, Mumbai, Other
Hiya SILVER, Mumbai, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is difficult to express,
How different I feel,
Tough as a rock without,
A broken glass within

The glass penetrates deeper and deeper,
Killing and hurting everything interior,
It's flooded, it's soaked with blood,
Yet it has turned pale, dried up of all the warmth, all the love,
The wounds are steadily becoming scars,
I'm counting them but they are myriad like stars,
Wanting to heal them,
But its taking a lifetime,
Wound upon wound, scar upon scar,
The glass has pierced too far

Without I am clean,
Smiling and dancing, showing a screen,
And that's what the world believes.
Oh my lord what a deceiver that tricks,
Tricks everybody into believing,
The false screen I show of how i'm living,
No one knows the turmoil in my mind and my heart,
Destroying and disbanding anything that's left.

I stand perplexed on the shore,
How do I end this storm from devastating everything from core,
Oh no, oh dear, oh lord please help,
Its showing on the outside bit by bit, step by step,
The world should not see my pity,
So I put on a disguise stronger and tougher than before filled with witty and manipulative amity,
Growing with this is my inner mayhem,
I'm trying to deceive whom?
People everywhere or the world nowhere but deep down me,
But the voice within is really shrewd,
It doesn't just flows into believing me,
It keeps reminding me all the knives in my back,
Stops me from being the one that I am showing,
I don't know what to do,
And the upheaval, the fear continue,
And here I stand again lifeless,
Thinking thoughtless in state of confusion and distress,
How difficult it is to express,
How different i feel,
Tough as a rock without,
A broken glass within. 

The author's comments:

Hello, I am Hiya Shah. I am currently studying in school in grade 10. Writing has always been a therapy for me. I feel writing to be the best way to express your emotions, feeling and let other people know your ideas and opinions. What can be better than following your passion as well as putting it to such a use that would help people feel better about themselves? Thus I have written this article and hope it would be liked by all the readers.

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