Summer Days | Teen Ink

Summer Days

May 8, 2023
By oliviaheim SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
oliviaheim SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sun rays 

Shining bright.

Sunburn and toasted brown skin.

It's finally here. 

My favorite season,

Hearing the birds chirping,

And the sun shining,

Everyone out of their houses soaking up the nice weather.

Feeling relaxed,

Stress free.

No more school and homework.

No more early, lazy mornings.

No more stress.

It's summer.

Laying on the hammock,

Taking in all the sun swaying back and forth.

Sun so hot on my skin I can feel the burning sensation of my skin turning red.

Wisconsin weather feels so amazing as if I am on the beach in Florida.

I am on top of the world right now. 

Always have something to do,

Like having water splashing in the air as I fall off the tube, 

I can feel the pain on my legs like needles after that slap to the water.

Jump back on the wet tube and go again.

This is what I call paradise.

But paradise doesn’t last forever.

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