Clouded | Teen Ink


May 3, 2023
By ME_4_EVER-1322 BRONZE, Lancaster, Ohio
ME_4_EVER-1322 BRONZE, Lancaster, Ohio
1 article 2 photos 0 comments

There was once a little cloud

It should be light and fully bright

It should have a perfect family a perfect life

But this little cloud was blue and abused 

It was ignored not adored 

It was sad, mad, lost, gone

It was supposed to help people and make people happy

But this cloud made people sad and mad

One after the other sadness after sadness

It didn't want to do it it didn't want to hurt anyone 

But alas the little cloud was gone

It was grey it was raining it was crying 

The cloud was filled with self loathe

Self-hate it was mad it was...


The author's comments:

I made this poem in my creative writing class and we had to use imagery so I choose a picture that was a cloud and well it is was a story about how it was hurt.

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