untitled 40 | Teen Ink

untitled 40

April 29, 2023
By Anonymous

recently i noticed 

my sister disappearing into things

my other sister just, disappearing

my brother closing the door

the latest smeared images

in an odyssean album of blurring

a breath held inside my lungs

two whales joined by the nose, stuffed with feathers

& inside their lungs, two more whales

& an exponential more amount of whales

& i when i exhale, it is when my feelings are being transferred out

into a song, a scene, a splodgy secret

associations. i molded an ostensible intellect

out of biased memory 

holding every single object inside of me

when i fall & trip, it is over those things — 

the fig my mother spat onto my shirt

becomes a cement purple ottoman

the stored sounds of loud, indiscernible voices

are a stubbed toe, a scabbed calf, a wandering mind

wandering. wondering when i will find

a place away from the voices

& sound. the only sense unconfirmed by the others

untethered, like my thoughts to my body

wandering & wondering

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