The Brave | Teen Ink

The Brave

April 27, 2023
By Hiya SILVER, Mumbai, Other
Hiya SILVER, Mumbai, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world might see every man as the only brave,

And the men take pride in this quality the world gave,

This pride allows them to act something which is ugly and atrocious,

Their courage is shown in acting vicious,

Hearing the woman scream and shriek with terror,

Sitting in the corner trembling with horror,

The fright of the man flexing his valour,

In smacking and thrashing that poor soul,

Why you ask?

Just to prove that he is THE BRAVE!

But do you know who really is The Brave?

That woman who is told Hush and Shush,

Do not tell anyone about all this fuss,

Hide your scars,

Which are the marks,

Of the man’s brave acts.

But do you know who truly acts like The Brave?

That woman who gives the man the taste of his own medicine,

Who blows back with the real power she has,

The version of her that the man never saw she possesses,

Shows the man who the real Brave is,

And for whom the word courage belongs,

Then the man is filled with frisson,

Amazed by the naive woman’s valour,

And that is what I call THE BRAVE!

The author's comments:

Hello, I am Hiya Shah. I am currently studying in school in grade 10. Writing has always been a therapy for me. I feel writing to be the best way to express your emotions, feeling and let other people know your ideas and opinions. What can be better than following your passion as well as putting it to such a use that would help people feel better about themselves? Thus I have written this article and hope it would be liked by all the readers.

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