The Power of Prayer | Teen Ink

The Power of Prayer

April 19, 2023
By Mariannatheaterlover BRONZE, Simpsonville, Other
Mariannatheaterlover BRONZE, Simpsonville, Other
2 articles 6 photos 0 comments

I was once lost in the deep depths of my pride. I was miserable, I could barely survive. I felt empty inside I didn’t know what to do, I tried everything in the world to make me happy but nothing was fulfilling because of the debts I due. Pray they told me, for the power of prayer is beyond compare. I didn’t listen because I was so drowned out from all the noise from the world, It’s like I didn’t even here a single word. I kept on going in this life that I led but slowly everything was getting sucked away beneath my very own head.  I tried and tried to fill that emptinesses with all the world’s pleasures, but nothing could ever measure. During the last moments of my life I decided it was alright. I will pray, and suddenly I felt the emptiness slowly being filled and I was so thrilled. Then I started to pray each and every day. Until my last moment in the world, I prayed every last word.

The author's comments:

My name is Marianna Billings I’m 13 years old and in 8th grade. I felt inspired to write this poem on prayer because I want to be able to help other people come to know the Lord through poetry.

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