How I Imagine Myself after 10 Years? | Teen Ink

How I Imagine Myself after 10 Years?

April 18, 2023
By Hiya SILVER, Mumbai, Other
Hiya SILVER, Mumbai, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How I imagine myself after 10 years?

Standing on the front porch of a big house,

Having conquered all my fears.

I see myself as a wealthy rich, independent lady,

Free from the world which is shady.

Relaxing with my friends and parents in my OWN bungalow,

My future shining like moon’s lucent aglow.


How I imagine myself after 10 years?

I see myself as an omnipotent,

Having made every nation free from all belligerents.

I see myself making a better nation,

Released from all poverty, hunger deaths and corruption.

I would be standing on the top of the world,

Where each person is filled with brotherhood & Patriotism and where even animals are loved.

NO discrimination, No inequality,

Everyone living with righteous jollity,

I will make the world a better place to live in,

Full of healthy green foliage with zero global warming.


How I imagine myself after 10 years?

I see myself living the best version of me,

Helping all the people, poor or needy.

I would try to be the best person this world would have ever viewed,

The mother earth would be proud to give birth to such a girl who has everything pursued.

I shall try to be the greatest,

By making this world the finest.

The author's comments:

Hello, I am Hiya Shah. I am currently studying in school in grade 10. Writing has always been a therapy for me. I feel writing to be the best way to express your emotions, feeling and let other people know your ideas and opinions. What can be better than following your passion as well as putting it to such a use that would help people feel better about themselves? Thus I have written this article and hope it would be liked by all the readers.

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