Prelude to the melody of the moon (revised) | Teen Ink

Prelude to the melody of the moon (revised)

April 11, 2023
By ElaM ELITE, Surrey, Columbia
ElaM ELITE, Surrey, Columbia
320 articles 27 photos 120 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party; and I attended with my real face.” ~Franz Kafka

How rare thee moon, So round and clear!

With cup in hand, I ask of the clear blue sky,

Who shall be this celestial sphere,

In your prelude of cloudy oblique passing by?


I want to fly home, riding the misty air,

But so I fear the ethereal cold up there!

The jade and crystal palaces are so high!

Dancing to my silhouetted shadow,

the melody of the moon seemed to break my mortal tie.


Moon goddess rounds the jade palace,

Stoops to the vermillion silk robes and tatami doors!

Shines on those who slumber in her promiscuous lie,

Why does she, sweeping above the sandy shores,

Shine upon our parting summer deny?


The moon seems to cradle me in her heavenly delight,

I seem to watch her pale opalescent figure fading in the twilight.

Her vermillion robes seem to fade in visibility from my sight,

I dream to have clouds surround me, once more in the figure of moonlight.

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