A goodbye said but not meant. | Teen Ink

A goodbye said but not meant.

March 27, 2023
By Anonymous

Yk, it's a weird feeling.

Falling for a boy that is. 

You know, you’ve been there yourself. 

See, I don't really know why I'm still hoping. 

Or, what I'm hoping for.

I'm scared as hell to want you. 

Here I am.

Still wanting you.

But really my heart is tired. 

I keep telling myself  “I’ll wait.”

But for what?

My own expectations again? 

Silly me, thinking you cared. 

I miss you, but you seem fine without me. 

So, don't you dare start missing me when I’m done missing you. 

I don't know what's worse. Missing you, or pretending I don't.

The Truth?

I think about you more than I should.  

I know how it feels.

To sit on the edge of your bed.

Head in your hands.

Wishing it would all just end. 

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