A Double Edges Sword | Teen Ink

A Double Edges Sword

March 27, 2023
By austinguyer BRONZE, Avondale, Pennsylvania
austinguyer BRONZE, Avondale, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Taking the first sip, so new and strange

A chance to rebel and feel grown-up for a change

A forbidden juice, a mystery to pursue

What will happen next, no one could’ve knew

The liquid stings, a burning sensation

But the sweetness that follows sparks temptation

The world spins, senses come alive

New experiences unfold, you feel revived

The music is louder, laughter more bright

Jokes more amusing, the mood light

A sense of freedom and power you find

As if a secret door you've just aligned

But the night grows long, and the drink too strong

Something doesn't feel right, things go wrong

Giggles turn to tears, confidence to fear

The enchanting night now too hard to bear

The lesson is learned from this first taste

A double-edged sword, a rise and a waste

A moment of excitement, followed by regret

A memory forever etched in your mind, a debt

This euphoria lingers, the seed is planted

The desire for more, the urge to be enchanted

You start with one, and then you have two

Before you know it, you're up to four or more to

The line between pleasure and pain starts to blur

As the urge to drink grows stronger, that's for sure

Mornings bring headaches, nights bring remorse

The addiction grows, taking its deadly course

Friends and family try to intervene

To break addiction and help you come clean

But the pull of the bottle is too strong to withhold 

And the addiction takes hold

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