People Like Me | Teen Ink

People Like Me

February 14, 2023
By KaylanOgier SILVER, Alma, Nebraska
KaylanOgier SILVER, Alma, Nebraska
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“People Like Me”

I truly don't know how many people are like me.

I don't think I want to know because that would make me too sad.

People like me are just surviving off what we can.

People like me try their hardest to do what needs to be done.

But eventually, it gets tiring trying to take care of everyone else more than ourselves.

We care about everyone, sometimes too many at once.

I try to save who I can but all I do is get ignored and shut down.

I can't ask for help because, to everyone else, I'm perfectly fine.

To everyone else, I'm a straight-A student who has a perfect life and a perfect family.

The only person who truly knows me doesn't even go to my school.

The person that truly knows me, knows that I'm kinda messed up.

It's not because of how I was raised, because I never went by how I was raised.

I went by my better judgment and that always takes a turn for the worst.

I try to help, I really do, but when everyone comes to you to dump everything on,

It gets to be too much.

It's hard for me to open up to people because whenever I do,

I just get ignored and pushed to the side, but whenever someone else needs me,

Im right at their beckoning.

I don't truly know how I do it, sometimes I can't hold it so I do the unthinkable.

People don't notice till I'm wearing a short sleeve shirt, then they think it's for attention.

It's not I swear it's just how I let it out because no one ever cares to listen to what I have to say.

People like me get left out of the conversation.

People like me are the last to get chosen as partners.

People like me are the ones that sit in the corner to avoid everyone.

People like me are the ones who stop eating because 1 person called us fat.

People like me are the ones that struggle without anyone ever realizing it because we hide it so well.

But no, we don't wanna see a counselor about it because we do not trust anyone but our heads,

Because we've learned better than that.

The author's comments:

I know it's hard sometimes but I know how you feel

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