Water Bottle | Teen Ink

Water Bottle

February 10, 2023
By brie_alicia BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
brie_alicia BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The stickers that you gave me,

They’re peeling off my bottle from the hot tea.

They, in themselves, aren’t prominent.

But over our memories, I’m dominant.

Now that you’re gone, I can finally flee.

This doesn't fill me with glee,

This doesn’t make me free.

I’d rather be dead than separate from you,

But our relationship was nothing but a loose screw. 

I guess now, to you, I’m no more than “she”.

The author's comments:

This piece resembles letting go of something worn out, but looking back on the memories and seeing that you really should let go, not hold on.

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