A Mother's Unseen Pain | Teen Ink

A Mother's Unseen Pain MAG

February 3, 2023
By India0303 BRONZE, Winter Park, Florida
India0303 BRONZE, Winter Park, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One mother lays bound with hope
While watching her sleeping
baby’s face.
She ponders the world around
the globe
Looking what the future will hold
in place.

While another mother looks
for pacification
Prays she can teach what is no longer spoke.
As she lays restless in fear and indignation
As this little brown face will grow up in a society of anti-woke.

As children play void of color,
holding hands as if they’re brothers
unbeknownst of their valor
innocent to the future peril
of others.

While one mother says have
a good day
She kisses her child’s cheek
Knowing that nothing will
go astray.
She sends them off with no worries, quite meek.

While another mother says
good day
She cautions on what was taught
To never question and obey
So you can see another day.

We live in a country of diversity
And speak of equalities
Yet blind to the other’s adversity
While others are the casualties

The author's comments:

I am 17 years old. I come from a very diversified family. When given this assignment after doing research on the trends and speaking with friends and family members that influenced my perspective for my poem.

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