Lucky | Teen Ink


January 23, 2023
By JamesW PLATINUM, Minneapolis, Minnesota
JamesW PLATINUM, Minneapolis, Minnesota
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.” - Jack Kerouac

I guess you could say my Mom was lucky.

Lucky she’d been healthy her whole life. 

Lucky she was smart.

Got into a good school,

And a great job. 

Lucky she didn’t get sick until she was 30, 

Lucky she had the money to pay for it, 

And she didn’t have to choose between 



And education 

For her children. 


Lucky she had someone to support her:

My Dad.

And lucky she was able to have 

Us kids.

Lucky she never caught anything else 

Her immune system couldn’t fight.

Lucky she had good doctors 

Who cared about her 

And coworkers 

Who understood.

Lucky that she knew how to manage money. 

Lucky that after 20 years of stabbing herself 

With a needle every day,

Her body realized 

It was permanent, 

And it stopped hurting as much. 

She’s been Lucky her whole life 

That she can live relatively normally 

And afford the insulin her body so desperately needs.

But if you think about it

Should that really be luck?

The author's comments:

My Mom has Type 1 Diabetes, which is an incurable and chronic disease. I grew up hearing how lucky my family was to be able to afford insulin for her, but it always struck me as tremendously unfair that a medicine that is essential to the daily lives of millions was and still is so expensive. Being ill is enough of a strain on a person without the massive financial burden that is placed on them in the US. 

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