The Detroit Lions | Teen Ink

The Detroit Lions

January 18, 2023
By Anonymous

Forward down the field, 

Or so you thought they’d be.

Fumbling the ball and

The refs missing a few calls. 

The clock ticks down

As the Lions hopes drown. 

The other team scores, 

To put even more on the board.

The sliver of light 

At the end of the tunnel darkens.

As all fans realize the reality.

This team never changes.

It always seems to be in a blaze.

But always managing to cause a phase. 

Of hope

Of love

Of tears

All of no joy.

The Lions charge down the field

To blow a Detroit victory.

Year after year,

Tear after tear,

The Lions disappoint all that are near.

Things will never change and as those say,

History repeats itself, 

And that's just the way it goes.

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