Let Our Bottoms Heal | Teen Ink

Let Our Bottoms Heal

January 10, 2023
By dwahlberg SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
dwahlberg SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Let our bottoms heal.

Let 500 flowers bloom,

And leave non alone.

Let 500 flowers bloom,

Let 500 wounds heal.

Let all our wounds and problems fade,

Let all are issues become non-existent,

Let all the suffering and pain stop in an instant.

Let 500 flowers bloom, 

Let 500 schools think of oppitumity.

Let the sun shine for days,

And allow it to heal our sins.

Let 500 souls rest in peace. 

Let 500 things rest in peace.

And when this cannot be done,

Pray for the best. 

For it is to be blessed.

Let 500 flowers bloom,

Let 500 words teach,

Let it educate,



Let 500 flowers bloom,

Let it bloom.

Let it be itself,

Let it bloom,

Let it exist and be happy.

The author's comments:

This piece is about being healthy, and what it takes to believe in equalness and greatness. 

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