Quagmire | Teen Ink


December 15, 2022
By MassartEnglishClass SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
MassartEnglishClass SILVER, Vancouver, Washington
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At first I thought it was fine, a small lie here and there, Nobody would care. No I didn't do that, that was all me, yes that's right, I am a liar… Or maybe I'm not. Whether I am or not I should not have started that lie, falling deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole, sustaining this lie so nobody would find out. I should have watched my step in that swamp full of a mushy goo made from the lies of the past. Walking blind further and further until it gave way underfoot. As these lies build up I think to myself "God damn it.” I sink deeper and deeper into this boggy land as I try to cling to the trees, attempting to grip the vines hanging from above. No matter how hard I try to grip to the trees and vines I end up losing my grip, being dragged deeper and deeper. I got myself stuck in this mess but I can't get myself up out of this swampy trap I set for myself because everyone is watching, listening to me spew these lies One after another knowing nothing, thinking nothing of it. Yet no  matter how far I sink I know that no one can find out the truth. I'm stuck in a quagmire I created. Karma is such a b*tch

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