Good vs. Evil | Teen Ink

Good vs. Evil

December 12, 2022
By Jaline0086 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Jaline0086 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Natural Beauty is the Best Beauty

Good vs. Evil

This world is a complicated battle of black & white

of dark & light

Whether it is wrong or right

So what’s the right thing to do

How do I know my way out of the loop

When our lives feel like a swoosh

We pay for your actions that are brute

Stop giving us debuts 

Stop covering the truth

When we know it’s you 

We trusted you 

But all you do is rob the colors of their hues

Rob the children of their youth

How do we bind

When our society is one great divide

Subtracting their love & going online

Adding algorithms to take over their lives

So tell me how do we bind 

When we’re dimming our own light

I don’t know about you but I’m tired of this fight

It’s not right 

Dull colors that once were bright

Are losing their shine

I wonder what will become of this life

The author's comments:

   This poem is about social media affecting our lives, while we may not see it, social media takes a toll on us teens & takes away from our youth on a daily basis. Think about how much time we spend on TikTok, Instagram, etc (Yes, me included)... It's time we're taking away from our day, it makes us not feel as good or as confident in ourselves. Whether it's social media controversy, drama/tea pages or people ruining other people's images & starting illegal & immoral trends that violate others belongings & people in general. My goal is to spread awareness & start more productivity because there is a world out there, believe it or not; now I'm not saying to stop using your phone because we all need some social media time but also start doing other things outside of your phone as well, take time for yourself & even your day.

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