Strange Specimen | Teen Ink

Strange Specimen

December 10, 2022
By Salmonlucas BRONZE, Plantation, Florida
Salmonlucas BRONZE, Plantation, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To be or not to be.

To eat meatballs or curry.

To pour the milk before the cereal.

This disgusting act should not be real.

Dogs bark and seals grunt.

My brain hurts from back to front.

To eat the hot dog or to eat the cold frog.

To sip the water or to suck it up like a vacuum, only to spill it in the room.

The bird eats the egg and the chicken eats the chicken.

Covid-19 is something that will indeed sicken.

Thanksgiving Break is about to end and I have a craving for birthday cake.

To eat the lemon or to drink the orange juice for your own sake.

Why put that sour feeling in your mouth? 

You can just find some apple juice below the nuclear bunker which you can find in the south.

To eat the taki or to paint oneself green.

To touch a slug or to spoil a movie before it is seen.

Butterfly soup is delicious; maybe it is malicious?

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