Losing Forever | Teen Ink

Losing Forever

November 29, 2022
By Anonymous

We were like the flower

He gave me on that day.

Colorful, blossoming,

Full of life in every way.


This flower smelled so sweet;

Was tall and full of beauty.

And to keep it that way, 

I felt was my duty.


I nurtured it, watered it,

Fed it and watched it grow.

I loved it in a way that I once 

Thought I would never know. 


But slowly the petals wilted

As talks became less frequent. 

We saw each other less

But you were not entirely absent.


Yet eventually the stem bent

As flowers often do

And slowly the words "I love you"

Became less and less true.


The petals began to fall

And infrequent visits became never.

When the last petal fell, I no longer felt

Sad at the loss of our forever. 

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