Winter | Teen Ink


November 21, 2022
By Anonymous

Snow is falling,

Winter is calling.

Snowflakes are dancing as they gingerly fall to the ground,

And the spirit of the season is traveling all around.

School is closed for the inclement weather,

As everyone cuddles up inside with hot chocolate and their sweaters.

Children are outside all bundled up in the snow,

Staying close to home, because there is nowhere else to go.

Having snowball fights and smiling with delight,

There is not a tear or a frown anywhere in sight.

They're outside playing games and builing snowmen,

But they come inside to get warm; every now and then.

They climb all the way up to the top of the hill so they can go sledding,

And the joy of the season begins to rapidly start spreading.

Everyone is bundled up and ready for the Winter season,

Happy that they are all together, and that they understand the real reason.

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