Gentle Giants | Teen Ink

Gentle Giants

October 24, 2022
By Anonymous



are kissing

the bright blue sky.

Covered in white snow

in a quite unorganized line.

Each one is taller than the next

wonder fills my eyes as I look at them

standing there strong for centuries, unmoved.

Large scars from the glaciers moving past and through

surrounded by an endless green sea of tall, skinny evergreens

almost as endless as the sunlight, twenty-three hours on the solstice.

Large rivers run quickly between the monsters, filled with the coldest water.

So many stories behind these gentle giants, who stand guard over their lands

these mountains can tell countless stories about what they have witnessed before 

they have witnessed life, love, and happiness, but they have also witnessed destruction

The author's comments:

This is part of the RCLA competition that my creative writing teacher introduced to me

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