Blissful Paradise | Teen Ink

Blissful Paradise

October 24, 2022
By 3vermeulen GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
3vermeulen GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Soft sand squishes between my toes on a chalky white sanded coast.

My defined footprints, so temporary, vanish without a trace as I wander on.

Waves playfully lap up onto the shore, splashing me with their delightful gift of refreshment.

Looking out to the horizon the water continues on in an endless stretch of blue.

Small speckled fish dart through the water as crabs burrow into the safety of the sand.

Sandpipers scutter along searching for a meal, as gulls soar high above creating shadows on our backs below.

Sunsets fill the sky with hues of violet, yellow, and red.

Waves magnificently reflect the display as the evening reddens.

I stop to gape at my surrounding scene and tears threaten as awe overtakes me.

When life becomes difficult, my mind continues to play back the memory of this blissful paradise.

The author's comments:

I wanted to express my wonder for nature through this poem.

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