A Telescope? A Kaleidoscope? | Teen Ink

A Telescope? A Kaleidoscope?

October 3, 2022
By Apollo-lighting89 SILVER, Saint Louis, Missouri
Apollo-lighting89 SILVER, Saint Louis, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Their thoughts spin like a smashed oval-shaped record,

But protect her like the whimsical rings-- 

Of Saturn.


Of evergreen pine needles wrapped in 

Streamer-thin strands--

Of cilantro.





rain like glass bead shaped tear drops

Catch the dandelion like parts--

Of withering lackadaisical fields--

Of fountain mystic purple grass,

Almost like autumn leaves beneath your freezing feet,

& wool between your pinky toes.


goats mulling over amethyst bud snowflakes

lined by flowing palm trees 

with cyanide green leaves. 

he treasured silky skylines intermingled with neon colors,

passing like rainbows

over maple glazed sunset beaches--

of paradise & laughter.

while terracotta summer evening skies electrify 

white wine whips--

of moonlight,

as scorching aurora's 

crash near…

the darkening & foggy scenery.


a slightly bent right angle triangle

with sporadic fingerprints & tic-tac-toe patterns.

as their past memories & scars

flood fluorescent fields-- 

of crimson light.


outdated keys and switchblades 

are the hands to their brothers clock

as doves with marble colored wings are lathered in 

neptunes seas

of lavender paper mache 

while careless empire yellow and mango rays 

of light

illuminate trident shaped notes   

  to be happy not melancholy  

to watch a summer storm

       without their tears being the accompaniment   

   to feel pain

not emptiness  

& loneliness 

to be heard not silenced                

to be free again 

to live again



The author's comments:

Think about all the times you failed. Now think about all the times you have succeeded. Poetry is one of the few forms of writing that allows you to explore and create without being judged. 

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