Aladdin and the mystical lamp | Teen Ink

Aladdin and the mystical lamp

September 16, 2022
By ElaM ELITE, Surrey, Columbia
ElaM ELITE, Surrey, Columbia
320 articles 27 photos 120 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party; and I attended with my real face.” ~Franz Kafka

Aladdin vanquished at sunrise to the cave,

In willing to save a princess for he was brave.

Jasmine the elegant one dressed in blue,

Was with the lavish shades of turquoise hue.


Aladdin came out of the hole,

With a wish for the genie; to have him in a prince‘s role.

For Aladdin the Arabian princess was for him to go.


Agra city the palace of lights,

Aladdin and his lamp to light the 12 thousand nights.

With the rubbing of his ruby red ring,

He chanted “magic carpet, come shine in the sparkle and bling!”


Jafar the evil vizier: in hopes to kill the king,

Magic lamp and red ruby ring.

Trapped in his cage,

Aladdin borne of full rage.


Lago the little parrot,

Sits and watches like a ferret.

Betrays his keeper,

Now jafar sinks in deeper and deeper.


All plans unfold like a map on a table.

Little does he know; Aladdin has his game stable.

Aladdin seizes jafar: only to see him gone,

Everything jafar has done, like a mere pawn.


Marries jasmine and gets her back,

Including the ruby red ring and the lamp sack.

There he lived happily ever after with Jasmine.

The author's comments:

Aladdin is one of my favourite movies and all time tales.

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