This one's for my sufferings | Teen Ink

This one's for my sufferings

September 8, 2022
By Jayanti_08 BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
Jayanti_08 BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dying is an art like everything else, I do it exceptionally well" - Sylvia Plath

This roof overshadows a spoil,

as an extinguished spark whimpers underneath. 

My body transforms into a battlefield, 

pigmented with the red of your mistakes,

it carries the weight 

of every b*tch, wh*re, sl*t- word, ever uttered. 

The throbbing in your heart looks upon this body as a damsel, 

Succumbed for your satisfaction, 

hanging from the threads of mercy. 

Tempted for a taste,

Towering above with a domed back, 

and hands clasped across my throat

you slaughter me yours. 

You catch a scent of weakness within me

Carrying the souvenir of your victories over me 

Imprisoned in a small box of flashbacks and memories,

I bear a piece of you, nurture your fruit, 

water your plants, 

Wash off your dirt from within my soul.

You birthed this destruction,

Now voyage its collapse. 

Welcome the bereaved inside

Let the grieving begin. 

The author's comments:

My name is Jayanti, I'm a middle school student, passionate about writing, and social issues. I try my best to voice my opinions and stand up for what's right for the betterment of society, in my own little world. 

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