Ignite | Teen Ink


June 26, 2022
By mkg215 BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
mkg215 BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Got no plan, doin' anything we can just to feel somethin'" - joshua bassett

Meet me there

the space between stars

behind parked cars

See me there

demanding my own space in a crowd

taking up room, laughing loud

Join me here

let's take up space together

the world's too empty, darling

Meet me here

and let's exist together

let's be happy

let's love

in a world that would rather be numb

existence is rebellion

joy is chaos

love is anarchy

let's ignite a revolution

let's feel something

The author's comments:

in a world where conformity and numbness are common, where we are taught not to care or dream, it is revolutionary to just feel something - to feel joy and love, yes! to feel sorrow and anger also! we must embrace all ranges of emotions, instead of trading them for numbness and lack of caring. when we stop feeling, we stop being human.

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