Crush | Teen Ink


June 16, 2022
By Emma2005 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Emma2005 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A girl,

Walking down a narrow street.

Her blond hair shining in the sun,

her flowery dress flowing with the calm breeze,

her sweet-smelling perfume follows her every step.

That day,

I saw her at the corner.

I felt my cheeks begin to burn

a gong banged in my chest

my stomach did a thousand cartwheels 

my legs experienced a California earthquake 

and, and



Don’t get me wrong I did want to talk to her

but what can I say, I was the Cowardly Lion. 

Not a speck of courage had been in me!

Hard to believe, I know. 

A guy,

Like me, 

With no courage?


It’s like an oreo without the filling. 


I avoided her.

Well I mean I did,

my mind would NEVER do such a thing. 

You see, there is this saying that something “has a mind of its own”


My mind over here sure proved that to be correct! 

It had decided to torture me and create these

these fantasies that I prayed to God every. single. day to happen,

only to know deep deep down within the abyss that, yeah you guessed, they won’t!

I mean, how can they?

She won’t like me,

I am too much of a nerd. 

She won’t date me,

I’m too cheap.

She won’t even LOOK at me…

Well, maybe I got that one wrong but, but still.

She is she 

and I am me.

The concept of “They” 

might never happen.          

The author's comments:

This poem is from a perspective of a boy who sees a girl on a corner of a street who he has a crush on. However, he doesn't know if the girl actually likes him back. 

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