Aubade to the New Year | Teen Ink

Aubade to the New Year

June 13, 2022
By Lil223878 SILVER, Rochester, New York
Lil223878 SILVER, Rochester, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Daytrips to faraway places

Full of sunsets

And rainy rides

Turned into snowstorms

And bumpy bridges

With snowfall as light as a feather

Now covering each inch of the road

Temperatures low enough to turn a glass of water

Into a glass of ice

Absorbing our fingers 

And eating up our pink legs

But your mom invites us in for a cup of hot chocolate

And your fingers warm

To hold the mug

Full of times that get better

And memories to come

The author's comments:

Saying goodbye to the summer and hello to Winter is hard, but Winter can be very enjoyable.

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