Big Day | Teen Ink

Big Day

May 23, 2022
By amelia-smith BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
amelia-smith BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Small talk and casual laughter dispurses through the crowded room. 

The smell of bouquets and party balloons lingers. 

Ferns and greenery align the stage that multiple tired brains just proudly walked across. 

Photo-ops and hugs become overwhelming as I am the center of attention.

“Congratulations” and “You did it” are all I hear

It’s all too sweet but the bitterness is near.

“I don’t want to grow up” is all I can say with fear.

My time is now I finally see

But a kid again I wish I could be.

I find myself still wishing upon a star 

But my wish is not granted because I’ve come this far.

This time of happiness or what it’s supposed to be is a time of sadness and grief

But only for me. 

My child you have made it my mother cheers

You have accomplished great things so you shall not fear. 

Look around the room and take it all in

This is the last time you’ll be a student in this gym.

A single tear falls at the disbelief

As I’ve made it this far. 

It’s time to say goodbye but continue to go far. 

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