The Online Education | Teen Ink

The Online Education

May 22, 2022
By Chels2020 BRONZE, Richmond, Texas
Chels2020 BRONZE, Richmond, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At nine o’clock am

I log in to a platform 

Dedicated to educating

Yet only weighs me down

I browse down a site

Filled in for me every day by

Regular instructors, yet I never had the decency 

To honor their efforts

Zoom Videos left closed like teenage boys’ feelings

When teenage girls wear faces that cover the celss but exposes everything else

Toughness travestied by teenagers who grew up around a community

That allows them to be free

No school for days at times while students stay at home doing nothing but trusting

Trusting the feeling that maybe things may be better

But that might not be true

And it is not true

Online education

Is like a moat filled with murky water

And at the end of the moat is a swatter

Used to kill the feelings of accomplishment

The nonaccomplishment

Of not going to school

Of not looking cool

Of feeling like stool

It’s tiring



Emergency Landings

And at times


Things are more lenient


Yet those same things seem more severe

And filled with more fear

Different feelings

Is what makes this education 

Particularly a frustration

For so many

Parents, students, and teachers alike

And is why regular education is dreamlike

Where a student can skip school

And can still pass the whirlpool

And where a student can work so hard

But can still feel like a graveyard

Where a teacher doesn’t have to care

And can still receive the airfare

And where a teacher can teach like a maniac

And wants to be a blackjack

Where a parent can watch her kid fail

And can still go on the major sail

And where a parent can shout at her kids

And would hate to see the grandkids

“It’s worth it,” someone says

“I can go another day”, someone else says

“Online school gives so many the opportunity

And live life alternatively”

But when you look at the poor kid

Inside of a garbage lid

When you see a parent raging

While still paging

When you see the teacher sleep

Like a mountain sheep

Is it really worth it?

I see, hear, and feel that online education are failing

But I believe that they are prospering at what it was substituted to do

To train you, to educate you, and to remind you of the blessing that schools create for us. 

Online school


Online school


End of discussion.

The author's comments:

Online school was a pain, a real pain, but it made us value in-person school that much more.

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