normal | Teen Ink


May 17, 2022
By Nerp BRONZE, Cedarhurst, New York
Nerp BRONZE, Cedarhurst, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Anything is possible when you've got enough nerve." -Ginny Weasley

Desired by most resented by some

We deem people weird or abnormal

But what defines it

Who decides what it is or is not 

Why would we want to be the exact same

One kid as the next

a line of black and white photos  

One in color

Bursting with vibrance

The deviation 

The pack of wolves with one fawn

cornered and assaulted

Attempting to stand its ground

But devoured and warped

Until it's no longer the same

Not even close to the same pure white fawn 

You were taught from youth “stand out”

Yet put into practice

You are shoved down

Beaten until any thought or consideration

That you might be unique from the others

Has vanished 

Gone so far away that even the prospect

Of retrieving 

Your own true self

makes you dizzy 

Although people say be different 

Be an upstander 

Push back against the flow 

You try 

Fight with all of your might 

But despite this your strength deteriorates 

Until eventually you are the same 

Another black and white photo 

In the line of thousands 

Another wolf tearing up the fawn

And another person 

Beating the difference out of another kid

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