Seven years ago | Teen Ink

Seven years ago

May 12, 2022
By JoseV871 BRONZE, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan
JoseV871 BRONZE, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I entered a place I knew nothing about

I felt dread and nothing but doubt

For there were new people I’d never seen

I assumed the worse and that everyone was mean

I was socially anxious and it couldn’t be helped

It still can’t be, but it’s a part of myself

I met some of my greatest friends

Some bonds that can’t be broken, despite it being the end

I never thought I’d see the day that we’d graduate 

I still haven’t been on a date… damn

I didn’t know where I’d fit

But now I’m at the end with a brief respite

Before I start another four years of schooling

Hopefully then I’ll know what I’m doing

Four Years Ago, I’m socially self conscious

There were new faces for sure

My old friends could surely concur

Some I know well and talk to a lot

Some I rarely see in the parking lot

To those that only know Of me

I wish I didn’t deal with social anxiety

For then I’m sure we’d talk more often

Everytime I speak it comes with too much caution

Overthinking things like social conversations

To the point at which I need examinations

My brain stops like gears getting jammed

Or the night before a quiz and my brain gets crammed

Just getting to know me it might be anonymous

But I’m telling you now I’m really self conscious

How do I get over it?

I believe it started when I asked someone to dance

We were in sixth grade and it was the opposite of romance

The worst part was that I went ahead and made a tik-tok (

A memory within that’s forever stuck

My very first memory of being socially anxious 

I haven’t been the quite the same since

One thing thats for sure it helped make me

But what if it were unlocked with the unknown latchkey

Take a look inside my head and I’m sure you would see

So many different iterations of social anxiety

Day after day I imagine the worst

That I screw it all up, and my brain would burst

To all except my friends I go through scenarios

That I choke on my words, and speak monarios

So much stress on my brain overthinking situations

Even though I know, theres always hesitation

After all this time I haven’t found a solution

Other than practice, this is my constitution

Maybe I should practice speaking to people then?…

–Sounds dumb as hell

The author's comments:

The first thing that came to mind was social anxiety, that's where this piece comes from, I also continue to search for a resolution for my anxieties.

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