Fleeting | Teen Ink


May 10, 2022
By avaswen04 PLATINUM, Arlington Heights, Illinois
avaswen04 PLATINUM, Arlington Heights, Illinois
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“When they asked me what I wanted to be I said I didn't know.”
― Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

A rose, 

the most stunning one 

on the whole bush. This rose 

is redder than blood and smells 

so sweet it seduces bees, birds, 

and even a dirty, rowdy dog. This rose

sits the highest, soaking in all the sun 

before it reaches other flowers. This rose 

is magnificent and bold. This rose’s,

thorns are the sharpest 

and break through your skin easily.

The frog 

is dainty and comfortably wet 

in the humid forest. The frog’s

silky smooth back is an artist's palette, 

colors swirl and mix together 

across its porous skin. The frog’s 

eyes have rings of golden flecks 

that glitter when it gazes

 into your eye. This frog

is the only one that kills you 

with a single touch.

The girl 

with the longest hair. Smooth 

and silky and light as air. The hair 

is soft to the touch and the most fun 

to braid into long tangles 

that falls down her back. Her hair

sways and flows as she prances 

down the halls. Her hair 

is the first to thin out and dull 

to an aged gray.

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