Our world's redemption | Teen Ink

Our world's redemption

May 10, 2022
By FrankR BRONZE, Houston, Texas
FrankR BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The start of the end 

As stars collide

And our world divides 

I never had the chance 

To say goodbye 

Although it may seem that our love was lost

You're the only one my mind has crossed 

Now as the world ends and everyone prepares to die 

I can’t help but just stare deeply into your eyes 

Our worries and desires fade 

There is nothing much to explain 

All there’s left to do is reminisce

Like when we had our first kiss

Or on our first date 

I was fifteen minutes late 

Now we are running out of time 

The stars finally collide 

And the world divides 

Now I have the chance to say goodbye 

My love 



The sunset fades 

And we sit behind the fire we made 

Telling stories about our childhood 

If we could go back we would

Realizing how those days were taken for granted  

Now we’re grown up looking for something to keep us distracted 

Now we just have memories 

Of when we were young dumb and happy 

Going door to door asking to play 

We would be outside the whole day 

Or when we would be excited for summer break 

All of us would head down and have fun at the lake 

Or like when we got our first phone 

Now we’re stuck paying off debts and loans 

I would want to be a kid again 

But everything has an end 

We’ve grown up 

Filled with real world problems that left us all corrupt 

We live in a cycle 

Wake up 

Go to Work 

Come back

Go to sleep


We’ve fallen down a hole that’s too deep 

We’ve tried climbing back but it’s way to steep 

We are trapped 

In a room with no doors 

A maze with no exit 

There’s nothing to do but just keep the cycle going and accept it 



I’ve lost something I can’t get back 

Something I can’t find  

It’s like a puzzle with a missing piece

You need it to be complete  

It holds many memories 

If only it had just stayed with me

Some people lose it  

Or have it taken away 

I have lost it  

I’m stuck with no hints 

Reading a book with no words 

I’m searching for something I can’t find 

Like a child that got left behind 

Maybe this is where we go when we die

For I’ve lost my life 

And I can’t seem to find it 

The art of the world

Calm waves splashing on the shore 

It’s a familiar sound everyone's heard before 

The waves are blue 

The Art of Life 

Sea shells wash up on the shore 

No one could ask for anymore 

Kids play fighting 

Frisbees flying

The sun rising 

As the war begins arriving 

The waves are not as calm

Kids running for the moms 

People trampling over people 

People hiding 

Everyone is running away from the thought of dying 

The Art of Survival 

Raging waves 

Crashing on the shore 

The sounds it makes never heard before 

The waves are red 

A sea of blood

The Art of War 

Soldiers washed up on the shore 

Bullets flying in every direction 

Only a get a few get a connection

Sounds of screams throughout the field 

War never yields

Guns firing

Troops dying 

Bodies flying 

Men crying 

Troops scan the area 

Finishing off the men left to die 

Dents in the ground from the bombs 

Neither side was in the right or wrong 

Kids left fatherless 

Siblings left brotherless

The Art of Aftermath 

What was it all for?

The clarity kicks in 

It happens again and again 

War will never win

Normality of reality

The world is corrupt 

And people are getting fed up 

It’s ending slowly 

Our world is origami 

And it’s unfolding 

We are killing the earth and ourselves 

I want to get out of this place  

"We all want to live by each other’s happiness" 

But I guess that's not the case 

We all want to live in peace 

But we can’t have that with how easy it is to get shot in the streets 

We can’t because the image we portray

People doing anything for a bit of fame 

People cheating just to say they won a game 

People injecting drugs in their veins

The population cascades 

It’s been like this for decades   

Hate on the internet 

I wish I could disconnect 

I wish we could forget 

Police brutality? 

It’s becoming a normality 

War going on?

How many casualties?

People killed for no reason 

No justice for families?

Wake up this is reality 

There’s very little to no faith in humanity 

Wish we could escape and live in our own little fantasy 

Gang shooting

Stealing and looting 

The air polluting 

It seems as if humanity is concluding 

For life’s a game and we are losing 

We live to die 

Not to be killed 

Now trust is hard to build 


The grass grows greener

Covered in light, it shows its


But it seems so different in

Another's perception

Beauty to my eye, it's endeavor

Is disastrous

Its beauty is so effortless

The end?

I feel at peace 

But I can’t help feeling uneasy 

Like I’m in a calm majestic forest 

With a spark about to cause a fire 

Like I’m on a sedated shore 

While a tsunami conspires 

Every thing at once is happening it’s so hectic 

But I don’t feel stressed 

I fe- 

I feel….


No worries 

as if the whole world is falling apart right before my eyes 

And I can’t seem to feel anything 


This feeling is hard to describe

A perilous wave is coming my way

I can’t help but stare

Everyone is in fear and in despair

But I feel 


Like this world was so fine without us until we


We were a mistake and it’s not hard admitting

Like a puzzle piece that’s not quite fitting  

Maybe all we need to do is die

It’s the beauty of life 

Maybe this is how we find peace 

If we are ever reborn please don’t let history repeat 





Volcanic Eruptions 




It all hits simultaneously 

Earth’s revenge 

This is it 

This is how we die

There’s nothing to do but just comply 

I stare at everything coming my way 

With no feelings

I still can’t feel anything

As everyone runs and screams 

But the end is already underway 

I close my eyes and wait for it 

Finally it hits 

I’m steadily falling 

The memories start rewinding 

Reminiscing on good times 

For it’s the end of my life

Everything goes silent

I can’t see or feel anything 

I finally found peace?

I look down from a bird's eye view 

A world without us 

It’s so 

It’s so fascinating

The author's comments:

This is a collection of poems. I just started poetry and I think I really like it. This collection is based off of things I've felt or I've seen or even happened throughout my life. I hope the reader enjoys.

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This article has 1 comment.

Gugugaga said...
on May. 20 2022 at 3:13 pm
Gugugaga, Houston, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Such marvelous flow an exquisite masterpiece if I don't say so myself.