Holidays | Teen Ink


April 30, 2022
By Jiayishao SILVER, Toronto, Ontario
Jiayishao SILVER, Toronto, Ontario
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is the holidays.

I don’t want to talk about the lack of 

hand to hold under the mistletoe,

Or the silence and vacancy that replaced the carolers.

Or how Santa 

might be unable to come here this year due to travel restrictions.

I want to speak about 

the sparkling lights all over the trees,

Cheers that go down the chimneys and up into your sleeves.

Gifts that sit in their best dresses and wait with their most genuine purpose,

Letters wholeheartedly written and sealed with affection.

I want to talk about

That fancy dinner that took all day to make,

And rooftops covered in snowflakes,

Tell me, what is wrong with another cheesy good day?

Trust me, we could all use one at this stage.

So why, don’t we

Throw out those brave faces we’ve put on for too long,

Unlock our hearts and just let them flow out.

Let that internal clock take a well-earned pause, and,

Put that to-do list away just for the day;

It is the holidays, for god’s sake,

The first white Christmas after nothing in three years straight.

Whatever it is, it can wait.

Right now, let us just celebrate,

The delicacies arranged on dinner plates,

The great company we keep by the fireplace,

Listen, that is the sound of your heart saying, “Yay”.

So turn back and take a look at the trail of footsteps you have left behind

The ice that once made you fall flat on your face is now shining in your new display case,

The obstacles you thought you couldn’t cross are now stories you keep in photo albums,

And the shattered pieces of yourself that you have picked up over and over are mirrors that show you just how much you’ve grown.

On nights when there were no stars, streetlights came in to take their roles.

So let’s do a toast,

Here’s to the moments you chose to fight that uphill battle nobody thought you could win.

Here’s to the moments you stood back up, stared right into that blue sky and said, “I dare you”,

Here’s to the moments that you kept on walking after you’ve said, “I’m done” for the last time.

Here’s to the moments you continued to hope even when you couldn’t see where your own finger is pointing at,

Here’s to the moments that you applauded for yourself when there was no one else around to do so.

Cheers, you have made it through.

Relish, in the knowledge that you have improved,

And smile, with all the strength you gained from your turmoils.

The year is almost over, so treasure every moment.

I am grateful for all that has happened,

Because they took me here and led me to you.

Now I don’t usually do happy poems,

But hey, it is the holidays.

The author's comments:

I'm a high school junior in Toronto. I love telling stories through my poems and habitually process my thoughts through writing. I enjoy jogging on a sunny day while listening to a playlist of beloved songs I'd almost forgotten.

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