Knowledge | Teen Ink


April 22, 2022
By Anonymous

There was a man,

He stood all tall and proud.

Like a mountain,

He always stood his ground. 

Knowledge and power,

He had it all.

But this is the story of his downfall. 

Arrogance was the blood that ran through his veins,

His mind was filled with senseless aims.

He was respected for his brain,

His knowledge was like the clouds that always rained.

You might call him a Saint,

But he was just in vain.

The knowledge was worthless without his Actions,

But his actions were just for a selfish reaction.

He had learned morality from Aristotle himself,

But didn't have enough morals to think about someone else. 

There was a man,

Too proud of knowing, he was;

But without character,

His knowledge was always excess. 

The author's comments:

Hi. I'm nivi and I love writing and reading. The topic I chose for this poem was “knowledge without character is dangerous”

I hope you enjoy this!

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