Cotton seed | Teen Ink

Cotton seed

April 14, 2022
By elisethueson BRONZE, Ammon, Idaho
elisethueson BRONZE, Ammon, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Be a cotton seed
Surrounded by a fuzzy layer of cotton
Flying around the sky
Sometimes the breeze will pick you up
Sometimes it will push you down
And when it rains
You will fall to the ground
To heavy to be picked up again
The dirt will bury you
And you won't see light
But with time and patience
You will grow into a strong beautiful cotton tree
And at this time
The breeze will calmly sway your branches
The rain will help you grow
Your roots will dig deep in the dirt making you stronger
And your leaves will reach up and touch the light
Be a cotton seed

The author's comments:

I feel like now days, teens feel as they are not good enough. This poem shows as people grow through their trials, they can become something great and strong.

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