My Overthinking Brain | Teen Ink

My Overthinking Brain

March 7, 2022
By MattHolliday SILVER, Petersburg, Illinois
MattHolliday SILVER, Petersburg, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I were to die tonight,

I would count my life a failure, 

For a life requires one to step out on a ledge,

Take a calculated risk

Not take the road that is traveled

I have changed a few lives,

But not nearly enough.

I have brought a smile to some faces,

But I have also been the subject of many criticisms.

If my date is soon

I would live a different life.

A life of risk,

A game of chance.

I would ask that girl out, 

I would spend that precious time with friends and family,

I would not say “that it is too risky”

My overthinking mind would stop

Because I would have nothing to lose.

Time is a precious commodity 

That we all run out of.

Time is a blessing, but also a curse.

Time allows an overthinker’s brain to point out the problems with everything


Love is required to have happiness.

You love a person, an activity, even a pet. 

There is nothing more precious in life than love. 

You must go and live your life with the time you have left,

For when you die, you must not have regret.

You must be satisfied by the life you lived,

Do not have regrets in a time that you cannot correct them.

Life is a gift, 

Given by our Almighty Father, 

And taken by Him too.

Take the road less traveled, for there is happiness at the end of it

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