The Essence of My Name | Teen Ink

The Essence of My Name

March 1, 2022
By lightningmcqueenishot BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
lightningmcqueenishot BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The pop of a champagne bottle, the flutter of a heart in love, the immediate sting of a needle. this is Katharine. Katharine is the quickness of life and the moments that flash before your eyes in times of fear and desperation. 

Katharine is this love that quivers in front of someone who loves too hard and still feels unlovable. The name is like a pure love that is unconditional, yet so painful. Katharine feels like the beginning of something new, and the end of something great. Loving too hard and breaking so easily.

Katharine is like a dying flower; constantly being overlooked and neglected until it is too late to appreciate its beauty. Like a bouquet being set in the shade, never having enough light to stay alive, always reminded of the dark shadow that lingers around. Katharine is the desperate tone of a wish being made before blowing away the fuzz of a dandelion. A slowly wilting red rose, hanging on until a light breeze catches the tip and it blows away. 

Katharine is the candid model for a camera losing focus. So quick and distant that nothing quite captures its meaning. Katharine is the chaos that can never be captured by a camera. It is the sadness that is hidden behind all photos. 

Katharine is like the stranger that you pass on the street as complex thoughts consume you, realizing that everyone has gone through the same pain. Katharine is the heartbreak that we all endure. It is the heartbreak that makes every human connected through different experiences.  

Katharine is not who I truly am. Perhaps it once was, or maybe it will be in the future, but for now, it’s just Kate.

Kate is to-the-point, easy to say, and quick like a white lie. Kate is like the roll of dice during an exciting game or the immediate bite of the cold during a sunny winter day. Kate is the passing compliments between two friends on the street and the short eye contact shared between two strangers. 

Kate is like a middle child; less mature than its older sister Katharine, but more mature than its younger sister Katie

I will always be Kate because I appreciate the plainness that it gives off.

Bare and impersonal, yet timeless through a tireless world. 


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